2016 Young Computational Neuroscientist Workshop
- Time : October 4 (Tuesday), 2016 - Place : Dogok Campus #103, KAIST, Seoul, South Korea
* Organizing Chair
- Jaeseung Jeong, Ph.D (Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST)
* Organizing committe
- SeungHwan Kim, Ph.D (Department of Physics, Postech) - HyungTae Kook, Ph.D (Department of Physics, Gachon University)
APCTP-KAIST Young Computational Neuroscientist workshop has been held from 2006 funded by Asia-pacific center for theoretical physics (APCTP) and KAIST (formerly known as APCTP-KAIST Brain Dynamics Summer School). This two-day workshop provides young neuroscientists with an opportunity to share their recent studies on structures and functions of the brain and to communicate among others. This workshop invites not only theoretical neuroscientists, but also psychologists and neurobiologists using advanced methods and tools from Neural Engineering, Computational Neuroscience, and Neuroinformatics, and BrainEngineering to investigate minds of animals including humans.
Most of speakers are young brain researchers (grad students, postdocs, and assistant professors etc.) in neuroscience and related fields.
Most of audiences are usually about 100 individuals (grad students, postdocs, and professors) studying in neuroscience, biology, psychology, neural engineering, neuroinformatics, physics, mathematics, computer science etc. Active discussion during the workshop is one of big pleasures in this workshop.
