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Journal articles
  • 2012 Toward Brain-Actuated Humanoid Robots: Asynchronous Direct-Control Using an EEG-Based BCI
    • Yongwook Chae, Jaeseung Jeong, Sungho Jo
    • IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 28(5), 1131-1144
    • #Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
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  • 2012 Gender Differences Revealed in the Right Posterior Temporal Areas during Navon Letter Identification Tasks
    • Jaewon Lee, Dongil Chung,Sumin Chang, Sungyo Kim, Sangwoo Kim, Hyunsang Park, Shinho Ryu, and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • Brain Imaging and Behavior, 6, 387-396
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2012 Modulation of theta phase synchronization in the human electroencephalogram during a recognition memory task
    • Sung-Phil Kim, Jae-Hwan Kang, Seong-Hyun Cho, Ji Woon Jeong, Hyun Taek Kim, Kyongsik Yun, Jaeseung Jeong, and Seung-Hwan Lee*
    • Neuroreport, 23(11), 637-641
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2012 Multiway Array Decomposition Analysis of EEGs in Alzheimer"s Disease
    • Charles-Francois V. Latchoumane, Francois-Benois Vialatte, Jordi Solé-Casals, Monique Maurice, Sunil R. Wimalaratna, Nigel Hudson, Jaeseung Jeong*, and Andrzej Cichocki
    • Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 207(1), 41-50
    • #Computational Neuropsychiatry
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  • 2012 Spontaneous eyeblinks are correlated with response during Stroop task
    • Jihoon Oh, Mookyung Han, Bradley S. Peterson and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • PloS one, 7(4), e34871
    • #Other
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  • 2012 The Heterogeneous Effect of WOM on Product Sales: Why the Effect of WOM Valence is Mixed?
    • Joonhyuk Yang, Wonjoon Kim*, Naveen Amblee and Jaeseung Jeong
    • European Journal of Marketing, 46(11/12), 1523-1538
    • #Other
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  • 2012 Hemispheric Asymmetry in Nonlinear interdependence of the EEG in posttraumatic stress disorder
    • Jinho Kim, Jeong-Ho Chae, Hee-kyoung Ko, Charles-Francois Vincent Latchoumane, Dae-Jin Kim, Aveek Banerjee, Christina Hoven, Bradley S. Peterson and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 66(2), 87-96
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
    • #Computational Neuropsychiatry
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  • 2011 Delayed transition from ambiguous to risky decision making in alcohol dependence during Iowa Gambling Task
    • Yang-Tae Kim, Hansem Sohn and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • Psychiatry Research, 190(2-3), 297-303
    • #Decision Neuroscience
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  • 2011 Abnormal local and long-range functional connectivity in schizophrenia during ultimatum game
    • Yang-Tae K.*, Kyongsik Y. & Jaeseung Jeong
    • European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, 454-455
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
    • #Decision Neuroscience
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  • 2011 Topological Cluster Analysis Reveals the Systemic Organization of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome
    • Yunkyu Sohn, Myung-Kyu Choi, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Junho Lee, and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • PLoS Computational Biology, 7(5), e1001139
    • #Connectome
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