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Journal articles
  • 2011 Abnormal local and long-range functional connectivity in schizophrenia during ultimatum game
    • Yang-Tae K.*, Kyongsik Y. & Jaeseung Jeong
    • European Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, 454-455
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
    • #Decision Neuroscience
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  • 2011 Quantification of Brain Macrostates Using Dynamical Nonstationarity of Physiological Time Series
    • Charles Latchumane and Jaeseung Jeong*
    • IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58(4), 1084-1093
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2011 A Study of the Relationships between the Ratio of 2nd to 4th Digit Length and Cerebral Laterality
    • Kim, Ahyoung, Seongkyun Kim, Jinyoung Youn, Jaeseung Jeong, Joo-Ho Lee, Jeong-Ho Chae, and Yu-Sang Lee*
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 25-35
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2010 Linear and non-linear EEG analysis of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder during a cognitive task
    • Hansem Sohn, Inhye Kim, Wonhye Lee, Bradley S. Peterson, Hyunju Hong, Jeong-Ho Chae, Sayong Hong, Jaeseung Jeong*
    • Clinical Neurophysiology, 121(11), 1863-1870
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
    • #Computational Neuropsychiatry
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  • 2010 In vivo evidence for long-term CNS toxicity, associated with chronic binge use of methamphetamine
    • Yong An Chung, Bradley S. Peterson, Sujung J. Yoon, Sung-Nam Cho, Sukhi Chai, Jaeseung Jeong* and Dai Jin Kim*
    • Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 111(1-2), 155-160
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2010 Target-specific rCBF changes induced by 0.3T static magnetic field exposure on the brain
    • Seungyeon Kim, Yong-An Chung, Jeong-ho Chae, Rahyung Ju, Jaeseung Jeong*
    • Brain Research, 1317, 211-217
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2009 A Tc-99m SPECT Study of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Transient Global Amnesia
    • Yong An Chung, Jaeseung Jeong*, Dong Won Yang, Bong-Joo Kang, Sung Hoon Kim, Soo Kyo Chung, Hyung Sun Sohn, and Bradley S Peterson
    • NeuroImage, 47(1), 50-55
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2009 Temporal Changes in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activation of Heterosexual Couples for Visual Stimuli of Loved Partners
    • Won Kim, Seungyeon Kim, Jaeseung Jeong, Kyung-Uk Lee, Kook-Jin Ahn, Yong-An Chung, Keun-Young Hong, Jeong-Ho Chae*
    • Psychiatry Investigation, 6(1), 19
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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  • 2009 Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Alcohol Related Dementia: A SPECT Study
    • Yong-An Chung, Sam-Wook Choi, Keun Ho Joe, Jaeseung Jeong, Younghoon Cheon, Dai-Jin Kim*
    • International Journal of Neuroscience, 119(11), 2100-2111
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
    • #Computational Neuropsychiatry
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  • 2009 Quantification of Brain Macrostates Using Dynamical Nonstationarity of Physiological Time Series
    • Charles-Francois Vincent Latchoumane, Jaeseung Jeong*
    • IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering, 58(4), 1084-1093
    • #Brain Network Dynamics
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